In June volunteers from the Town Run Watershed Group and Shepherdstown Bee City removed invasive plants where Back Alley crosses Town Run. The area was covered with cardboard and mulch to suppress weeds and replanted with native plants suitable wetland areas. These plants will not only help to stabilize the bank of Town Run and reduce runoff, but will also provide beautiful and valuable habitat for pollinators, including bees and butterflies.
In preparation for the planting, Steering Committee member Suzie Patrick and Mayor Jim Auxer visited property owners near Back Alley to let them know of restoration plans and invite their participation. The Town Run Watershed restoration project on Back Alley and other education and outreach was included on the Shepherdstown Town Council’s monthly meeting agenda for June 11th. Kay Schultz described the group’s work and the Council expressed its support and appreciation.
The shrubs that were planted included: Cephalanthus (Button Bush), Aronia melonocarpa (Chokeberry), Itea virginicus ‘Little Henry’, and Clethera alinfolia ‘ Ruby Spice’. The perennials that were planted included: Asclepias incarnata (swamp milkweed), Chelone glabra (turtle head), Coreopsis V. ‘Zagreb’, Echinacea Rubinstern, Heliopsis ‘Yellow Spider’, Lobelia ‘ Vulcan Red’, Liatris Kobold, Schizachyrium ‘Standing Ovation’, Vernonia ‘Southern Cross’, and Helianthus angustofolia .