Town Run Watershed

Get the Invasives Out – Saturday, September 14

Topics & Issues

It’s time for our monthly clean up is Saturday, September 14. Bring your boots, waders, and tools to remove invasive plants in and along Town Run. We will meet at the Pavilion at Morgan’s Grove Park at 9:00 and finish up with pizza.

Why remove invasive plants? Restoration of the riparian buffers along Town Run is important for reducing runoff into the stream, improving the flow of the stream and creating habitat for the small creatures such as crayfish, minnows, and birds and insects that live in or along the stream. Replacing invasive plants with native plants improves habitat, cools the water, and beautifies the natural area.

Join other volunteers and learn to recognize and pull invasive plants such as parrot feather, honeysuckle, English ivy, and yellow iris.