Town Run Watershed

Town Run Revisited

Topics & Issues

More than 50 gathered at the Byrd Center auditorium on Thursday, April 18th, to hear Dr. Keith Alexander share some of the story of Town Run, previously named Falling Springs Branch.  He reminded us that exploitation has been a strong thread in the stream’s history beginning in 1738 with European settlers. 

Over the years, we have begun to learn more and weave threads of protection and conservation.  For example, Shepherd University students planted tree buffers along sections of the stream in Morgan’s Grove Park.  Many locals have helped with trash clean ups, tree plantings and the removal of invasive plants.

Previously during our intensive exploitation phase, local businesses used the stream for energy and commerce and disposal of nasty byproducts of their businesses.  In fact, the presence of the Run is the reason the town is located here!   Historic photographs of the Run in town show a barren stream corridor with no vegetation in sight.

And soon, we will reach another important milestone – we will use the Run for drinking water! In 2025 the Town expects to blend the Town Run spring fed water with the primary Potomac River water for treatment and distribution. So, we’ll be drinking it!

Dr. Alexander’s review of some of the environmental history of the stream reminded us that the stream connects us all. It is fed primarily with ground water that flows from the southern part of the county northward to us.  Surface water from sidewalks, streets and fields flows into the Run which serves as the stormwater channel for the Town and all of us in its watershed.  Recognizing this, Dr. Alexander proposed a new slogan: We All Live Downstream from Ourselves!