Town Run Watershed

Get the Invasives Out!

Morgan's Grove Park 4198 Kearneysville Pike, Shepherdstown, United States

Bring your waders, boots tools & smiles to get IN the Run & pull OUT what DOESN'T Belong!!

Get the Invasives Out!

Morgan's Grove Park 4198 Kearneysville Pike, Shepherdstown, United States

Bring your waders, boots tools & smiles to get IN the Run & pull OUT what DOESN'T Belong!!

Get the Invasives Out!

Morgan's Grove Park 4198 Kearneysville Pike, Shepherdstown, United States

Bring your waders, boots tools & smiles to get IN the Run & pull OUT what DOESN'T Belong!!

Free Homeowner Septic Class on October 5th: Protect Property, Your Water, and the Town Run Watershed

Shepherdstown Public Library 145 HIgbee Lane, Shepherdstown, WV, United States

The Town Run Watershed Association invites Shepherdstown and Jefferson County residents and homeowners to attend a Free Homeowner Septic Class on Saturday, October 5th, from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM, at the Shepherdstown Public Library, 145 Higbee Lane, Shepherdstown. This informative session follows the nationwide SepticSmart Week to bring attention to the importance of caring […]


Risks and Resiliencies for Water Security in Town Run

Robert C. Byrd Center 213 N King Street, Shepherdstown, United States

This timely program will address the critical role of Town Run in Shepherdstown’s future water supply and the challenges it faces. 


Stream Cleanup Saturday, October 19

Morgan's Grove Park 4198 Kearneysville Pike, Shepherdstown, United States

Join your neighbors and friends at Morgan's Grove Park. We will be removing invasive plants in the stream and along the banks. Bring your boots or waders, tools, and smiles. We are serving pizza to all volunteers after the cleanup.

EarthFest at Morgan’s Grove Park

Morgan's Grove Park 4198 Kearneysville Pike, Shepherdstown, United States

Join us for fun at EarthFest, Details coming soon.  

Protecting Town Run with Septic Maintenance

Shepherdstown Public Library 145 HIgbee Lane, Shepherdstown, WV, United States

Alexis Davy, Director of Environmental Health, Jefferson County Health Department and Hanna Weikert, Conservation Specialist with the West Virginia Conservation Agency.

Lawns to Life & the Soil Sponge

Shepherdstown Public Library 145 HIgbee Lane, Shepherdstown, WV, United States

Join Leah Rampy, Shepherdstown leader of Save Our Soil for a short informative look at the power of soil.  Examine how regenerating soil, preserving and renewing ecosystems, and re-balancing the carbon cycle is a critical part of healthy watersheds.