Town Run Watershed

Town Run Cleanup

Morgan's Grove Park 4198 Kearneysville Pike, Shepherdstown, United States

Looking for an opportunity to help protect Shepherdstown's future drinking water source, hang out with great people, AND get free pizza?? Then mark your calendars for SATURDAY April 6th, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, meeting at the pavilion at Morgan's Grove Park.  We are hosting a Town Run cleanup under the auspices of the Alice […]

Get the Invasives Out!

Morgan's Grove Park 4198 Kearneysville Pike, Shepherdstown, United States

Bring your waders, boots tools & smiles to get IN the Run & pull OUT what DOESN'T Belong!!

Get the Invasives Out!

Morgan's Grove Park 4198 Kearneysville Pike, Shepherdstown, United States

Bring your waders, boots tools & smiles to get IN the Run & pull OUT what DOESN'T Belong!!

Get the Invasives Out!

Morgan's Grove Park 4198 Kearneysville Pike, Shepherdstown, United States

Bring your waders, boots tools & smiles to get IN the Run & pull OUT what DOESN'T Belong!!

Get the Invasives Out!

Morgan's Grove Park 4198 Kearneysville Pike, Shepherdstown, United States

Bring your waders, boots tools & smiles to get IN the Run & pull OUT what DOESN'T Belong!!

Stream Cleanup Saturday, October 19

Morgan's Grove Park 4198 Kearneysville Pike, Shepherdstown, United States

Join your neighbors and friends at Morgan's Grove Park. We will be removing invasive plants in the stream and along the banks. Bring your boots or waders, tools, and smiles. We are serving pizza to all volunteers after the cleanup.